Thanks to all who helped make our 3D printer event in Elgin go so well! The Ender 3 did a great job 3D printing lizards. We had displays of 3D printed objects, free 3D shapes to take away and our Covid19 visor project from 2020. Great job everyone!
Thanks to all who helped make our 3D printer event in Elgin go so well! The Ender 3 did a great job @3Dprinting lizards. We had displays of 3D printed objects, free 3D shapes to take away and our @Covid19 visor project from 2020. Great job everyone!
Had a brilliant day OISF 2023 Family Day. Lots of enthusiastic young people and their families using scratch & ScratchJr coding to create their own games and draw their own sprites. Also created algorithms and used microbits.
Thanks for the great welcome RAF Lossiemouth Friends and Families Day. Lovely to meet lots of enthusiastic young people sharing an interest in coding, 3D printing & computing science.
Thanks for the great welcome @RAFLossiemouth Friends and Families Day. Lovely to meet lots of enthusiastic young people sharing an interest in coding, 3D printing & computing science.
In this presentation Mark Dammer will show us how both the Raspberry Pi and the Arduino can be used to make music.
Mark will demonstrate his own self made Arduino synthesizer, and will show us how a Raspberry Pi can be turned into a fully fledged electronic music studio with sequencers, synthesizers, effects and MIDI capability.
Last but not least he will give an overview about freely available software for the Raspberry Pi to generate sounds and edit or compose music.
Thank you for all your support as we approach our goal of £3000. So far we have delivered over 2500 visors to 120 locations across Moray. In addition we have delivered over 1250 single-use visors, 1600 face mask relief straps (fits behind the head and takes mask elastic away from your ears) and 150 door dongles (fit in the hand and allow the user to avoid touching door handles, cash points etc…). If you know anyone who needs a free visor etc… just use our contact form at
Following on from his recent synthesizer talks Maarten has developed a four lecture series that builds on his talks and takes certain aspects a little further, this course is aimed at participants with no previous knowledge of synthesizers. The lectures will be delivered at the end of June and beginning of July and are between 8 and 9pm, to allow those of us who are working to get home and recover a little.
All you will need is a computer with speakers and a microphone and an internet connection.
The course will take place via ZOOM, if you are interested please get in touch using our contact form.
Since late March 2020 we have worked hard 3d printing much needed PPE in the form of Visors, Face Mask Relief Straps and Door Dongles for NHS staff, Care Workers, Childcare Hubs and other hardworking members of our Moray Community. We have now delivered over 3500 3d Printed visors, 2500 face mask relief straps, 1275 single use visors and 620 door dongles to over 170 locations across Moray.
By early May 2020 we had a very active team of 18 3-D Printer owners working hard in their own homes, schools and businesses. Some volunteers were Makerspace members alongside other local 3d printer owners and some schools. All volunteering their time and energies to help others in our community at this challenging time.
Below is a link to our previous Just Giving page, now closed having reached its initial target. It has updates showing how the Covid-19 project progressed from the end of March 2020 until August 2020, when the initial fundraising target was reached and funds were released to us for use in the project.
Our eighth AGM last Friday will be remembered, if not for its excitement, then for the magnificent eighth birthday cake baked by our Chair. Thanks Claire.
It was a real hit. We are all looking forward to our ninth birthday…